
Elisabeth Moss reveals her worst fear and why she'd prefer to be taken less seriously

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Fournine

Dec 27, 20205 mins

Elisabeth Moss reveals her worst fear and why she'd prefer to be taken less seriously

Elisabeth Moss has become a household name in recent years; you'll recognize her from her award-winning stint on HBO's adaption of Margaret Atwood's dystopian classic, The Handmaid's Tale, as well as her turn as 60's "girl boss" Peggy Olson in Mad Men.

Now, the actor has set her sights on the big screen with her role in this year's hotly-anticipated thriller, The Invisible Man.

Shedding light on abusive relationships through a sci-fi lens, The Invisible Man revolves around a tech mogul who stages his own suicide and uses his experience as a scientist to become invisible and terrorise his ex-girlfriend (Moss).

Watch '49 Questions' with Elisabeth Moss below: 

Four Nine sits down with The Handmaid's Tale actor

Here, Four Nine sits down with Elisabeth to chat about The Invisible Man, as well as everything from her biggest fear to what she thinks is the biggest misconception about her.

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Four Nine: What is your biggest fear?

Elisabeth Moss: "Deep water. couldn’t be in a water tank or something, you know?"

Four Nine: Dogs or cats?

Elisabeth Moss: "Cats, I have two of them. Hi [waves] They're watching, so."

Four Nine: London or LA?

Elisabeth Moss: "Oh, London. I hate LA."

Four Nine: What makes The Invisible Man different to other horrors?

Elisabeth Moss: "The fact that it is grounded in reality, the fact that it is something that is real. There's a real villain, a real man, who we can recognise, who we can see. And their relationship is real, and that's scary. So I think that grounding in reality was really important to us."

Four Nine: Favourite horror movie?

Elisabeth Moss: "The Shining, yeah."

Four Nine: Dancing or singing?

Elisabeth Moss: "Dancing. I like singing too, but yeah, probably dancing."

Elisabeth Moss Elisabeth Moss stars in The Invisible Man (Credit: PA Images)

Four Nine: Most famous person in your contacts?

Elisabeth Moss: "I think Tiffany Haddish, right? Yeah or Reese, Reese Witherspoon, maybe."

Four Nine: What attracts you to these fearless roles?

Elisabeth Moss: "I just look for the best material, honestly. And people are writing really good roles and films in that realm, I think, 'cause it's really a part of the conversation right now. But who knows, next time I might be just a villain. I might just be an a**hole [laughs]."

Four Nine: Pizza or pasta?

Elisabeth Moss: "Pasta. I love pasta. Spaghetti Pomodoro is my favourite food. Now we're really getting to a subject I'm enjoying."

Four Nine: Middle name?

Elisabeth Moss: "Singleton. It's my grandmother's maiden name."

Four Nine: If you're shipwrecked, what two items do you want with you?

Elisabeth Moss: "Okay, well, are we establishing if there's Wi-Fi or not? Like, let's establish some rules. Okay, there's no Wi-Fi. There's a 3G network, there's no, okay. Vodka and ginger beer [laughs].

Four Nine: Ketchup or ranch?

Elisabeth Moss: "Jesus Christ, hard-hitting. Ultimately ketchup. I'm gonna say it, I'm just gonna say it."

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Four Nine: What app do you use the most?

Elisabeth Moss: "Oh probably Instagram."

Four Nine: Who would you trade lives with?

Elisabeth Moss: "Oprah. Because Oprah."

Four Nine: Texter or caller?

Elisabeth Moss: "Texter, I hate phone calls. And as a producer, I have to do them all the time. It's so annoying when anyone wants to talk about things. Just talk about it, talk about it, talk about it."

Four Nine: Invisibility or flying?

Elisabeth Moss: "Be able to fly."

Four Nine: Paris or Rome?

Elisabeth Moss: Rome, I love Rome.

Four Nine: What is your favourite cake?

Elisabeth Moss: "Oh cake. Red velvet, very underused."


Four Nine: What is your favourite kind of tea?

Elisabeth Moss: "Probably mint tea."

Four Nine: What three words would describe your character, Cecilia?

Elisabeth Moss: "Strong, vulnerable, and intelligent."

Four Nine: Zodiac sign?

Elisabeth Moss: "Leo."

Four Nine: Spirit animal?

Elisabeth Moss: "Cat."

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Four Nine: Who would you choose to help you survive the apocalypse... Cecilia or June?

Elisabeth Moss: "Oh, June, 100%, yeah."

Four Nine: Who would you have at your dinner party?

Elisabeth Moss: "My mom, my brother, and my best friend Goldie. Those are like the only people I know anyway."

Four Nine: Something that you wished more people focused on?

Elisabeth Moss: "I think everyone this, everyone seems to, I've been told that everyone has the impression that I'm kind of serious and they're like, they expect me to show up and be super serious and sometimes I do and they ask me super serious questions and I would prefer just to be funny."

Elisabeth Moss The Invisible Man actress is a big fan of cats (Credit: PA)

Four Nine: Your top three acting influences?

Elisabeth Moss: "Meryl Streep, Mario Cotillard, and Maggie Smith."

Four Nine: The first album you bought?

Elisabeth Moss: "Paula Abdul. Forever My Girl."

Four Nine: Early bird or night owl?

Elisabeth Moss: "Night owl. 100%."

Four Nine: Trip to the cinema or binge on TV series at home?

Elisabeth Moss: "Binge on a TV series at home. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't see The Invisible Man in the theatres."

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Four Nine: What was your favourite scene to film?

Elisabeth Moss: "This little simple scene that we did that had no bells or whistles that was just me walking down a hallway, playing with the darkness and turning on lights and it was all the, like, really, really basic kind of scary movie stuff."

Four Nine: Favourite era?

Elisabeth Moss: "The 20's."

Four Nine: Big party or small?

Elisabeth Moss: "Small gathering, 100%."

Four Nine: Do you have any nicknames?

Elisabeth Moss: "Lou, or Lulu, well, Lizzie, just everyone calls me Lizzie. So it's almost not a nickname, it's just my name. Yeah, Lou."

Four Nine: What is the last book you read?

Elisabeth Moss: "I'm actually reading The Testaments. Little bit of Margaret Atwood."

Four Nine: What is your favourite place in the world?

Elisabeth Moss: "Well, bed always, but I would say Central Park in New York."

Four Nine: Countryside or city?

Elisabeth Moss: "City."

Four Nine: Summer or winter?

Elisabeth Moss: "Oh, summer."

Elisabeth Moss The Handmaid's Tale star feels at home in New York (Credit: PA Images)

Four Nine: What is the last gift you gave someone?

Elisabeth Moss: "My assistant, it's her birthday today and I gave her flowers and balloons."

Four Nine: Favourite cast member on set?

Elisabeth Moss: "Lee, he's a writer, director but he would be the funniest but like in a dad way."

Four Nine: Favourite colour?

Elisabeth Moss: "Blue."

Four Nine: Lucky number?

Elisabeth Moss: "I mean, it's so stupid but like seven. I know, it's like, it's just that's what, I would pick that number if I needed a lucky number."

Four Nine: Favourite thing about the UK?

Elisabeth Moss: "What I love most about coming? I honestly love the architecture. I love the way that the city looks and the suburbs of the city and the countryside. I just think it's really pretty."

Four Nine: Which of your past roles is most like your personality?

Elisabeth Moss: "There are elements of me in all of them. They're like different facets of my personality. I would say now June but that's probably just 'cause I'm playing her right now."

Four Nine: Go-to coffee order?

Elisabeth Moss: "Oh, a latte. Yeah, latte, usually do half milk, half cream, but right now I'm into oat milk."

Four Nine: What movie can you watch on repeat?

Elisabeth Moss: "When Harry Met Sally."

Four Nine: Saver or spender?

Elisabeth Moss: "Well, I'm a little bit of a spender but I'm also like not a brand person. So, I'll be given nice things to wear sometimes and then I give them back, but when I buy things it tends to be a little bit more on the less expensive side. I like a bargain in that sense, yeah."

Four Nine: Favourite thing about Australia?

Elisabeth Moss: "The food, really great restaurant scene there."

Four Nine: First line that comes to your mind, from any script?

Elisabeth Moss: Playgrounds from Mad Men.

Four Nine: If you weren't acting what job would you be doing instead?

Elisabeth Moss: "Dancing, a ballet dancer."

Four Nine: What is the best gift you've received?

Elisabeth Moss: "This is so cheesy but my brother once gave me a picture of him and me when we were little and framed it, and I still have it. It meant a lot to me."


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