
Girl left unable to walk after operation surprises prom date by taking first steps

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Nicola Agius

Apr 29, 20185 mins

Girl left unable to walk after operation surprises prom date by taking first steps

When it comes to prom, everyone is always looking for some special way to impress their date. Some people go for elaborate 'promposals', others rely on a fancy get-up or corsage, and some daring teenagers go all out on hiring ridiculously OTT cars or props in order to impress their high school sweethearts.

However, for Twitter user @aeonianlife (real name Morgan), the only thing she had to do to make her date swoon was take a few steps.

girl left unable to walk takes date to prom Credit: Twitter/@aeonianlife

You see, for the past 10 months, the young woman had been getting by in life using a wheelchair, as complications from an operation left her with conversion disorder. While she was not physically paralyzed, the disorder caused her to have neurological problems, and so Morgan was unable to use her legs as she used to.

But she refused to give up trying.

Finally, this Friday, her efforts paid off, and she was able to walk to the door to greet her prom date, Tarik - and he was astounded to see her on her own two feet.

"Oh my God," he says after hugging her tightly. "How did you do that!?"

The clip has currently amassed over 6.5 million views on Twitter, and has been liked more than 651,000 times.

Many people have left comments for Morgan to congratulate her on her progress, while others have shared their own experiences with recent health problems. Most people, however, just jumped in to say how emotional they were after watching her take those few steps.

"That's so incredibly sweet!" wrote one Twitter user. "Brought tears to both my AND my husband's eyes! I hope you and your prom date had an incredible time."

"I cried. I am so so proud that you were able to accomplish this!" said another. "My situation is definitely not comparable to yours, but I cant wait until mt [sic] husband sees how much progress I've made with my own recovery. YOU ARE SO STRONG AND YOU JUST MOTIVATED ME EVEN MORE!"

I think we can all agree that those few steps were far more special than any expensive dress or chauffeur-driven limousine, and that Morgan certainly earned herself a magical prom night.


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