Health & Beauty

Why is my hair falling out? 11 everyday causes of female hair loss

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Nicola Agius

Dec 15, 20205 mins

Why is my hair falling out? 11 everyday causes of female hair loss

We've all had a moment where we've stood in the shower and wondered why is my hair falling out?

If the clump of hair building up at your shower drain or your brush is collecting your hair at an alarming rate, it's normal to feel concerned. In fact, it might be time to stop ignoring the fact that you might be suffering from hair loss.

Pulling out clumps of hair as you run your hands through it can be nothing short of terrifying, but it's not an uncommon problem.

washing hair Hair loss is more common than you may realise (Credit: Pexels)

Why is my hair falling out?

No, it's not just that you're malting like your dog as you transition from your winter coat to your summer coat.

The fact that it's seasonal is purely coincidental because it turns out there are a number of factors at play that could be contributing to your sudden hair loss.

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Here are eight common causes that might explain why your hair is falling out.

1.You've been over-processing your hair

If you're constantly colouring, straightening or chemically-treating your hair, you're damaging your previous locks and making them more likely to fall out when they get too fragile.

Even the sulfates and surfactants found in most shampoos can damage your hair, so opt for sulfate-free products if you think that might be the reason your hair is falling out.

2. You've got hard water at home

If you've noticed white limescale on the faucets and showerheads at home, you've probably got hard water (basically H2O with a lot of minerals in it).

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Many people find that showering under hard water dries out their hair.

This makes it more brittle and prone to breakage.

shower head Hard water may be causing your hair loss (Credit: Pexels)

3. You're stressed

Your hair goes through three phases: growth, rest, and shedding.

When hair goes through the first two stages too quickly and hits the shedding phase, this is when hair loss occurs.

It is known as telogen effluvium. It's usually temporary and often happens after you've gone through a particularly stressful time.

woman girl stress pond lake hair fall out Stress can have a big impact on the body (Credit: Pexels)

4. You need to rethink your diet

Getting enough iron and enough protein is so important for your locks.

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If you've been skimping on the red meat, spinach and nuts lately, you might notice your hair coming out in clumps.

hair falling out spinach food diet A poor diet could be causing your hair to fall out (Credit: Pexels)

5. You're pregnant

The physical stress put under the body while pregnant is unfortunately enough to wreak havoc on your hair too.

Given the trauma your body goes through during childbirth, pregnancy-related hair loss is more common once your baby is born.

hair falling out loss pregnant women pregnancy childbirth baby Hair loss is common during pregnancy (Credit: Pexels)

6. Your hormones are out of whack

Changing birth control pills or anything else that might disrupt your hormonal balance can lead to hair loss.

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7. You're styling it too much

Over time, if you're styling your hair into taut styles like cornrows, tight braids or other forms of extreme styling, you're putting the roots of your hair under stress causing them to not grow out and fall out instead.

8. You've got a problematic thyroid

Both hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) can lead to hair loss due to the effects of thyroid disease.

The thyroid gland located in your neck produces the hormones that control your metabolism, as well as growth and development.

A deficiency of these hormones can lead to hair loss. Check with your doctor for treatment.

thyroid woman neck throat Does hair loss run in your family? (Credit: Pexels)

9. Hair loss may be hereditary

One of the most common reasons behind hair loss is genetics. This condition is known as androgenic alopecia, and is also referred to as male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness.

It tends to occur over time, and in predictable patterns. In men, it manifests as bald spots, and in women as thinning hair along the crown of the scalp.


10. You've undergone radiation therapy

If you have recently received radiation treatment to the head, it is possible that your hair may not grow back in the same way.

11. Your medications and supplements could be the culprit

Certain drugs can cause hair loss. This is often the result of medications used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout, as well as high blood pressure.

The average person loses between 60 and 100 strands of hair per day, but if you've noticed that you're losing any more than that (good luck counting), it might be time to change shampoo or even schedule a visit to the doc.


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