
Pregnant Jessica Simpson appeals to social media, posting picture of painfully swollen feet

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Nicola Agius

Jan 11, 20195 mins

Pregnant Jessica Simpson appeals to social media, posting picture of painfully swollen feet

Pregnancy is largely a one-sided affair. After conception, women are responsible for carrying a veritable human invader for nine months, and have to deal with all the unpleasant side-effects of gestation which aren't just limited to morning sickness, a weakened bladder, and of course, being prohibited from chugging a bottle of prosecco whenever the urge hits.

This is certainly something that erstwhile MTV star, Jessica Simpson, knows well.

Yesterday, Simpson took to social media to send out a cry for help with a photo of her painfully swollen feet.

Posting an image of her incredibly swollen left foot and ankle, the singer pleaded for assistance, writing in the caption "Any remedies?! Help!!!!"

Soon enough, the comments were flooded with tips from compassionate social media users who had plenty of suggestions as to how to relieve her pain, ranging from everything from bathing in Epsom salts to using compression socks.

One idea which probably wasn't appreciated, however, was the ever-sage "go have the baby".

"Holy moly! Looks serious! Please let us know how you are doing? Hope this issue is being addressed. Just want to make sure you are doing well," wrote one concerned fan, while another added "Oh my goodness! The things we go through for children. I'm sure all the swelling will be gone when the babies out oh... I'm assuming the due date is close... good luck you look beautiful".
Simpson already has two children with her husband, Eric Johnson. Six-year-old daughter Maxwell Drew Johnson and five-year-old son Ace Knute Johnson.

The 38-year-old has, however, suffered similar issues while she was pregnant with her first two children, revealing to Entertainment Tonight that she had used a frozen chicken to soothe her feet in the past.
"I think it was frozen chicken, it was frozen chicken… alphabetic chicken tenders," she stated. "My feet were so swollen, I was like, 'What do people do to, like, deflate?' and you use ice. I didn’t have an ice pack. I just used chicken."

Her third pregnancy was somewhat unexpected, given that only a few months before, she had told Ellen DeGeneres that she was not planning on having a third child.

"We got an IUD, nothing’s gonna get in that uterus. I have two beautiful children, and I’m not having a third," Simpson asserted. Despite this, she seems to be enjoying the experience, with sources claiming she she has described the past year as being "so special".

According to Hollywood Life, an insider  said: "Jessica is doing great, she’s really enjoying her pregnancy. She didn’t really plan or expect to be pregnant a third time, so it all feels so special. And one of the best parts about it is that she gets to share the excitement with her kids, they’re old enough to understand and are fully invested."

"She says they ask her almost every day how much longer until the baby arrives. Maxwell is especially excited to be getting a baby sister, she was thrilled when they found out they were having a girl."

Mind those feet in the meantime, Jessica!


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