
How to be more productive at work – 9 tips to make the most of your day

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Fournine

Dec 20, 20205 mins

How to be more productive at work – 9 tips to make the most of your day

From time to time, we've all wondered how to be more productive at work. It's everyone's goal to tick everything off the to-do list and still be able to make it for happy hour. But sometimes, you just can't focus and you see time slipping away.

Even if you've voluntarily barred yourself to your desk all day (or just spent it trapped in the inescapable web that is ASOS).

how to be more productive at work Credit: Pexels

How to be more productive at work?

Whether you're a working professional, starting your own side hustle, or writing a big university paper, we all wish we were better at getting sh*t done.

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But it's really not all that hard – try these simple hacks and you'll see yourself becoming more motivated, productive and organized as a result.

1. Have a work uniform

Making yourself a "work uniform" will save you heaps of time, plus a lot of stress about what to wear.

If you're feeling turtlenecks this winter, buy a few different colours and wear them with different bottoms throughout the week.

Whatever your style is, keep it minimal with a few comfy, casual-professional pieces you can mix and match each week.

2. Use an old-school alarm clock

Using your phone as an alarm clock leaves you snoozing forever and ever as well as wasting a lot of time lying in bed scrolling through all your feeds after waking up.

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Get yourself a real, analog alarm clock that doesn't tick loudly (look for one that only has the minute and hour hands), and you'll start the day in a better mindset and with more time on your hands.

3. Don't be afraid to say "no" and delegate

You might be scared of disappointing your boss, but it's definitely okay to say no to things sometimes.

It's better to decline jobs that aren't a priority if you've already got enough on your plate than doing too many tasks at once.

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You probably wouldn't be able to do it all to your best ability, plus you could delegate the task to someone you know can do it better.

4. Drink lots of tea throughout the day

Mix it up with different varieties – green and herbal teas are so good for you!

It also means you'll be getting up for 5-10 minutes every hour or so. It's proven to be more productive to take several small breaks rather than one big one between two big chunks of intense work.

The brief breaks from your desk and screen will improve focus.

5. Grab lunch with your coworkers

Stepping out of the office to pick up some sushi or a sandwich on your own means you'll inevitably be looking at your phone.

Instead, walking with your colleagues will help you be more productive.

You'll have a break from screens and you'll be socialising away from the desk, meaning you'll be ready to get back into isolation mode and in the zone again.

6. Listen to brain music

Plug in some noise-canceling headphones and listen to a deep house relax playlist on Spotify, a Hans Zimmer soundtrack, or something from – it features music with special alpha waves that foster productivity and focus.

Another good one is, which is just sounds of rain and thunderstorms. Trust me, it works.

7. Install a site-blocker app

There are heaps of these free extensions you can add to your browser.

You can ban specific websites you know you waste time scrolling through, and set timers to give yourself 5-minute windows to check your blocked sites before they're off-limits again for another 55.

8. Exercise before work

Do yoga at home, take your dog for a morning walk, or maybe even go for a 7am gym class – it means you'll have one less thing on your to-do list that day to be thinking about.

Plus, exercise is known to boost productivity and increase your memory retention.

9. Do the two-minute stuff straight away

The little tasks can add up, so don't put them off if you can just smash them out then and there.

Make the phone call, update the picture, answer that tiny request – whatever it is, just get it out of the way.

Adjusting your lifestyle in these simple ways means you'll have a better workflow and more time to spend on other important stuff.


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