
Teenager mows massive penis near London airport to greet Donald Trump

Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

By Nicola Agius

Jun 03, 20195 mins

Teenager mows massive penis near London airport to greet Donald Trump

President Trump's visit to the United Kingdom comes at a time of crisis for Britain. With prime minister Theresa May announcing her resignation over her handling of Brexit, it's clear the country requires support from its closest ally: the United States.

However, even across the Atlantic, the Republican leader remains a controversial figure. As a result, not all the citizens of the UK have given the president a warm welcome. One teenager has apparently gone the extra mile and greeted Trump with a very Freudian image; by mowing a gigantic penis in the grass of the lawn outside London Stansted airport.

Check out the moment protestors unleashed the Trump Baby Blimp back in 2018 below:

The stunt has been organised by the environmentalist group Born Eco ahead of Trump's state visit. The mown genitalia is accompanied by the caption "Oi Trump." Born Eco has also mown another shape into the grass, which is a lot more family-friendly: a polar bear accompanied by the message: "Climate change is real."

Taking to Twitter, the group shared an image of the grass penis, writing: "Guess who's been busy today mowing a stiff message for Trump under the Stansted flight path... Please share and let's see how far we can spread the welcome! [sic]"

Indeed, a number of anti-Trump protests have been scheduled around London and the rest of the United Kingdom. Speaking to British newspaper the Independent, Denis Fernando, who represents the initiative Stand Up To Trump, stated: "What [Trump's] said and done is beyond rude, beyond pleasantries. He's posing a threat to people."

He added: "Thousands of protesters will be marching to surround Trump as he joins Theresa May on a visit most believe should never have happened. We will be bringing central London to a standstill. By the time he leaves he will know - and the world will know - that people here reject him and his toxic politics."

In addition to the mass protests on the ground, the giant inflatable Trump baby balloon is also due to set sail over the skies of London once again.

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