Having a child is hard enough - there's the fact that the mother has to grow a veritable parasite for nine months, and contend with the various side-effects of gestation - but prior to this comes the hardest discussion of all: what to name the critter.
A name is something that stays with you throughout life, and accordingly it can ensure that you float on blithely through life, or conversely, make you the subject of ridicule in the playground. So, naturally, parents have an obligation to choose wisely.
With this in mind, we've seen the rise of more unconventional baby names of late, the majority of which are vintage, according to Nameberry. "Vintage baby names have been on the rise for several years now, with some antique names climbing popularity lists and reaching the heights of style," states the baby name website. "If you like vintage or classic baby names that have been in hiding for a few generations, one of these may appeal to you — but don’t be surprised if you meet a lot of other babies with these historic names."
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Here are some of the most popular vintage baby names:
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If those aren't quite doing it for you, how about the top baby names of 2019? Here are the girls'...
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And the boys':
How's that for some inspiration?